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The mission of the Family Visitation Program is to provide a safe, conflict-free environment for children to visit with family members. 

Why a Family might use the Family visitation program

  • Supervised Visitation
    • One-on-one setting
  • Monitored Visitation
    • Group setting and one-on-one
  • Safe Exchanges
    • Group setting and one-on-one

Why a Family might use the Family visitation program

  • Foster children who are reunifying with their parents
  • Children building new relationships with parents who have been out of their lives
  • Children visiting parents who are involved in a child abuse and neglect case and cannot visit their children unsupervised
  • Children who need a safe, conflict-free environment to visit a family member

What happens during a Supervised visit?

A highly trained neutral observer is in the room for the entire visit. The observer documents the interactions during the visit. The observer only participates in the visit if there is a safety concern.

What happens during a Monitored Visit?

A highly trained neutral observer monitors a visit during physical check-ins and through our camera system.

The observer checks all participants in and out of the facility and documents the interactions observed during check-ins.

This type of visit could take place in a group setting with one observer assigned to multiple visiations occurring at the same time and in a one-on-one setting.

What happens during a Safe Exchange?

A highly trained neutral observer checks all participants in and out of the facility and facilitates the exchange of the child(ren).

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